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2017 Business Planning workshops abound, people are getting crafty and dreamy with their Vision Boards, post-it notes litter my office, 90-days plans are taking form and there’s a new beautiful Planner popping up daily it seems (decisions, decisions)!!! So for those who are ready to transform their business this year, they may be at an advantage if they read topics such as the tailor brands review.
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There’s no doubt about it – we are all trying to peer into the future of 2017 so that we can outline what kind of magic we are going to create this coming year. But to take a breather whenever things go down, playing games like 비트코인 카지노.
But no matter how you go about your planning, one thing is clear.
You must get clear on your intentions if there’s any chance of manifesting your desires for your life and business. There’s no way around this simple truth.
And today’s new moon is an ideal time to get clear on your intentions and declare them to the Universe because new moons are a time of rising energy and building – the perfect time to plant seeds and start new projects. As you harness this powerful energy to set your intentions, consider reaching out to hypnosis professionals who can help you unlock your full potential and align your subconscious mind with your goals.
Because I surround myself with other woo-loving creators who are in tune with the energies of the stars and moon, I’ve learned that this New Moon in Sagittarius is EXTRA perfect for setting intentions and preparing for the New Year.
Why? Because Sagittarius governs expansion, opportunities and great expectations about the future.
This New Moon in Sagitarrius carries with it the energy of:
- Fresh ideas.
- New connections.
- Upbeat vibes and a tad of adventure.
It’s all about pulling together a game plan to broaden your horizons.
With this in mind, I’ve created a New Moon Intention Setting Ritual focused on helping you to expand your view so that you can take your business to new heights during this time of massive transformation.
NEW MOON RITUAL to broaden your horizons and support your conscious and business evolution.
- Create a sacred space with no distractions. Add candles, essential oils, music, crystals, sage – anything that carries meaning and joy for you.
- Light a single candle and gaze into the flame. Let yourself be mesmerized by the whimsical dance and warm energy of this flame for a few minutes as you sit in silence and stillness.
- Let your breathes become long and deep.
- Let your mind settle and clear.
Journal time! What actions can you take to help broaden your perspective or expand your view in the coming year? Make a list. Here are some ideas:
- Learn a new skill that will open you up to more opportunities. What training, book, course or workshop has been calling to you?
- What events have you been dreaming of attending – conference, workshop, meet-up?
- What kind of people would you like to connect with that will open up your mind and soul?
- Look for a mentor to help lift you up to new heights and help you see your potential and possibilities.
- Schedule co-working time with peers or join a mastermind with kindred spirits
Close your eyes and imagine . . .
- What does your body feel like with a new higher perspective on life?
- What sensations arise when you are saying YES to new adventures and meeting new people?
- What are you doing with your new talents or wisdom?
- What do you see around you?
Write down your intention for expanding your horizon.
Ex: I will deepen my spiritual practice to help connect more fully with my inner wisdom by finding a Spiritual Mentor.
Ex: I will join a group of soul-led and motivated entrepreneurial sistahs so that I have support, inspiration and accountability to stay devoted to the success of my business.
Write down the actions that need to happen to bring this to life.
- Assign due dates and put them in your calendar.
“Dear Universe, please guide me to xxxxxxxxx”
“Thank you for shining the light on my path of greatest expansion and bringing opportunities for evolution and growth”
How can you take action to help others rise and evolve?
- Donate to an organization close to your heart.
- Share you knowledge and encouragement with someone in need.
If you enjoyed this little planning session cleverly disguised as a fun New Moon Ritual, then I recommend you download my “Heart and Goals” business planner below.