Want the golden ticket to happiness? Just figure out how you want to FEEL and then use that as your guide to living a fulfilled and vibrant life. Sounds too simple right?

Yup – that’s the beauty.  It is simple. And boy do I crave simple.

This golden ticket is in the pages of The Desire Map.  It’s a magical little book that opened my eyes to how I could make serious yet simple transformation in my life with a deep soul dive and 5 meaningful words.  It helped me to create goals with soul.

Since diving into The Desire Map while chillin’ in Joshua Tree over the summer, I’ve made some exciting moves in my life!

  • Launched my new bizdesiremapworkshop
  • Attracted a vibrant and soulful tribe of creative entrepreneurs
  • Started designing my Mind Brand Spirit eCourse
  • I’m helping beautiful new clients to rise up and be seen
  • I’m getting ready to be a part of a speaker series on Visibility
  • AND….. co-facilitating an in-person Desire Map Workshop in San Diego with my bestie of 35+ years on April 25th!


But a BIG disclaimer is needed here

I never said any of this was easy, just simple.  And the trick is, we are not simple creatures and we tend to want to over complicate things.  We’ve been conditioned to think and operate in a way that moves us away from what we know as our truth.

That’s why my bestie Kristyn (Hypnotherapist / Intuitive Coach / Tea Alchemist) and I have been conspiring to brew up something delicious for you – the Soul Alchemy Workshop featuring the wisdom of The Desire Map.

It’s a day devoted to YOU. To your future.  A day to get clarity around how you truly want to feel.  Think of it as holistic life-planning if you will. Inner meets the outer.  Spirit meets the material.

On Saturday, April 25th we’ll be gathering in a beautiful tropical home in San Diego and infusing the day with a tea meditation, chakra sound healing, intuition activation, guided visualizations, soul inquiry, nurturing sisterhood, and nourishing yummy food.

Our intent is to make the processes of creating your recipe for transformation EASIER, richer, more fun and deeply soulful. By the end of the workshop you will have identified your Core Desired Feelings. You can then use these to create your own goals with soul.

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For me, The Desire Map was my invitation to look deep within.

It helped me align my ambitions with how I really wanted to feel. I poked around a bit and played with big dreams and forgotten wishes. I really dug into ALL aspects of my life to unearth how I was truly feeling – and how I really WANTED to feel moving forward.

Instead of just reading the “wisdom” in this book like many other personal development reads…I actually DID THE WORK.  I journaled and dog eared and feverishly imagined, pondered, and did some serious soul inquiry.  It was fun, creative, and nourishing.  I began to feel like I was being reacquainted with a long lost friend – ME.

All of this delicious discovery, helped me to formulate a simple and refreshing recipe for making decisions in my life that (1) light me up and (2) help me feel more connected to my greatest self and (3) bring me confidence, ease and joy.

After some playful discovery and soul inspection, I came up with 5 words that guide and inspire me through my day to day life.

These are my Core Desired Feelings / my GPS for the Soul:

  • Expansive
  • In-Flow
  • Creatively-Inspired
  • Compassionately-Connected
  • Nourished

These simple words (OK I may have stretched the “rules” and creatively incorporated more than 5 words) have guided me to step into more of my awesomeness, say NO to what wasn’t serving me, nourish myself, and build more meaningful connections with people in my life.

How does this actually work?

Well, for example, these 5 simple words helped me decide to co-create this workshop.  Do I feel expansive, in-flow, creatively inspired, compassionately connected and nourished?  Hell yes I do!  I am expanding my comfort zone and growing, we’ve been designing and promoting this workshop with ease and flow at the helm, the process is overflowing with creativity and inspiration, and I am feeling crazy connected and nourished by this partnership with my bestie. I just want to know how come it took us 35+ years to “work” together.  If you even want to call it that.

Most importantly my soul is awakening. I feel intentional. More connected to ME.  And I wish the same for you.

Will you join me in San Diego on April 25th?

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