Soul-Aligned Branding &

Feel-Good Marketing

work with mindful marketing strategist

Soulful Biz Mapping

1:1 Guidance

Messaging Mentorship

1:1 Guidance

Content Planning

1:1 Guidance

Marketing Meditations

Audio Guidance

honest + resonant + simple + 

honest + resonant + simple + 

honest + resonant + simple + 

The “traditional” system of growing a business just isn’t for you.

You are here because you know you can’t keep doing what you’ve been doing and expect different results.

You’ve probably already purchased a ton of courses (that you haven’t finished), signed up for a zillion freebies in search of the fabled “blueprint”, and pulled endless tarot cards in search of “the answer”.

But despite all this efforting and straining your manifesting muscles, clients aren’t lining up to work with you.

ALIGNMENT. Missing ingredient #1

When you start to align your branding, messaging, offers, and communication with your true essence, your values, your strengths and how you naturally show up in the world  – the Universe conspires to support you and opportunities begin to flow. 

You become magnetic. 

You begin to RESONATE with the people who need you most.  You begin to attract clients, partners, and money without the icky feeling.

And when you combine ALIGNMENT with a clear PLAN of inspired action and add a dash of ACCOUNTABILITY and SUPPORT, amazing things will start to happen in your business and life.